Small Whimsical Paintings

Moonlit Mare
Moonlit Mare
8x10. Original SOLD. Prints available.

Black horse in Landscape
Black horse in Landscape
8x10 acrylic on canvas wrap. Prints available. Original not for sale at this time.
Mini Moonlit Mare
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Mini Moonlit Mare
SOLD. but I will be making more mini's. 4"x4" with mini stand sell for $30.

Quiet Friendship
Quiet Friendship
8x10 acrylic on canvas wrap Framed $225. unframed for shipping $175+ shipping.
Colorful horse in the Landscape
Colorful horse in the Landscape
9x12 acrylic on canvas panel. unframed for shipping. $225.+ shipping or $275. framed local pickup.
Bubbles and Checks Pony
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Bubbles and Checks Pony
SOLD. 8x8 acrylic on wrapped canvas. Collaborative piece. Background by Stacie Burgess

Spanish Walk
Spanish Walk
Andalusian Stallion Oniris. 12x18 Acrylic on canvas wrap. Unframed. $125.